

"The moccasins ran away as OLD-man wanted them to,and they made plain tracks in the snow leading away toward the big-water.OLD-man turned into a dead Bull-Elk and stretched himself near the tracks the moccasins had made.

"Up the hill came the man,his breath short from running.He saw the dead Elk,and thought it might be OLD-man playing a trick.

He was about to shoot an arrow into the dead Elk to make sure;but just as he was about to let the arrow go,he saw the tracks the moc-casins had made.Of course he thought the moccasins were on OLD-man's feet,and that the carcass was really that of a dead Elk.He was badly fooled and took the tracks again.

On and on he went,following the moccasins over hills and rivers.Faster than before went the man,and still faster travelled the empty moccasins,the trail growing dimmer and dim-mer as the daylight faded.All day long,and all of the night the man followed the tracks without rest or food,and just at day-break he came to the shore of the big-water.

There,right by the water's edge,stood the empty moccasins,side by side.

"The man turned and looked back.His eyes were red and his legs were trembling.

'Caw--caw,caw,'he heard a Crow say.Right over his head he saw the black bird and knew him,too.

"'Ho!OLD-man,you were in that dead Bull-Elk.You fooled me,and now you are a Crow.You think you will escape me,do you?

Well,you will not;for I,too,know magic,and am wise.'

"With a stick the man drew a cricle in the sand.Then he stood within the ring and sang a song.OLD-man was worried and watched the strange doings from the air over-head.Inside the circle the man began to whirl about so rapidly that he faded from sight,and from the centre of the circle there came an Eagle.Straight at the Crow flew the Eagle,and away toward the mountains sped the Crow,in fright.

"The Crow knew that the Eagle would catch him,so that as soon as he reached the trees on the mountains he turned himself into a Wren and sought the small bushes under the tall trees.The Eagle saw the change,and at once began turning over and over in the air.When he had reached the ground,in-stead of an Eagle a Sparrow-hawk chased the Wren.Now the chase was fast indeed,for no place could the Wren find in which to hide from the Sparrow-hawk.Through the brush,into trees,among the weeds and grass,flew the Wren with the Hawk close behind.Once the Sparrow-hawk picked a feather from the Wren's tail--so close was he to his victim.

It was nearly over with the Wren,when he suddenly came to a park along a river's side.

In this park were a hundred lodges of our people,and before a fine lodge there sat the daughter of the chief.It was growing dark and chilly,but still she sat there looking at the river.The Sparrow-hawk was striking at the Wren with his beak and talons,when the Wren saw the young-woman and flew straight to her.So swift he flew that the young-woman didn't see him at all,but she felt something strike her hand,and when she looked she saw a bone ring on her finger.This frightened her,and she ran inside the lodge,where the fire kept the shadows from coming.OLD-man had changed into the ring,of course,and the Sparrow-hawk didn't dare to go into the lodge;so he stopped outside and listened.

This is what he heard OLD-man say:

"'Don't be frightened,young-woman,Iam neither a Wren nor a ring.I am OLD-man and that Sparrow-hawk has chased me all the day and for nothing.I have never done him harm,and he bothers me without reason.'

"'Liar--forked-tongue,'cried the Sparrow-hawk.'Believe him not,young-woman.He has done wrong.He is wicked and I am not a Sparrow-hawk,but conscience.Like an ar-row I travel,straight and fast.When he lies or steals from his friends I follow him.

I talk all the time and he hears me,but lies to himself,and says he does not hear.You know who I am,young-woman,I am what talks inside a person.'

"OLD-man heard what the Sparrow-hawk said,and he was ashamed for once in his life.

He crawled out of the lodge.Into the shadows he ran away--away into the night,and the darkness--away from himself!

"You see,"said War Eagle,as he reached for his pipe,"OLD-man knew that he had done wrong,and his heart troubled him,just as yours will bother you if you do not listen to the voice that speaks within yourselves.When-ever that voice says a thing is wicked,it is wicked--no matter who says it is not.Yes --it is very hard for a man to hide from him-self.Ho!"

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