
第177章 BOOK X(29)

O Jesu,said the noble knight Sir Lamorak unto Arthur,her death shall I never forget.I promise you,and make mine avow unto God,I shall revenge her death as soon as I see time convenable.And if it were not at the reverence of your highness I should now have been revenged upon Sir Gawaine and his brethren.Truly,said Arthur,I will make you at accord.Sir,said Lamorak,as at this time I may not abide with you,for I must to the jousts,where is Sir Launcelot,and the haut prince Sir Galahalt.

Then there was a damosel that was daughter to King Bandes.And there was a Saracen knight that hight Corsabrin,and he loved the damosel,and in no wise he would suffer her to be married;for ever this Corsabrin noised her,and named her that she was out of her mind;and thus he let her that she might not be married.


How Sir Palomides fought with Corsabrin for a lady,and how Palomides slew Corsabrin.

SO by fortune this damosel heard tell that Palomides did much for damosels'sake;so she sent to him a pensel,and prayed him to fight with Sir Corsabrin for her love,and he should have her and her lands of her father's that should fall to her.Then the damosel sent unto Corsabrin,and bade him go unto Sir Palomides that was a paynim as well as he,and she gave him warning that she had sent him her pensel,and if he might overcome Palomides she would wed him.When Corsabrin wist of her deeds then was he wood wroth and angry,and rode unto Surluse where the haut prince was,and there he found Sir Palomides ready,the which had the pensel.

So there they waged battle either with other afore Galahalt.Well,said the haut prince,this day must noble knights joust,and at-after dinner we shall see how ye can speed.

Then they blew to jousts;and in came Dinadan,and met with Sir Gerin,a good knight,and he threw him down over his horse's croup;and Sir Dinadan overthrew four knights more;and there he did great deeds of arms,for he was a good knight,but he was a scoffer and a japer,and the merriest knight among fellowship that was that time living.And he had such a custom that he loved every good knight,and every good knight loved him again.So then when the haut prince saw Dinadan do so well,he sent unto Sir Launcelot and bade him strike down Sir Dinadan:And when that ye have done so bring him afore me and the noble Queen Guenever.Then Sir Launcelot did as he was required.

Then Sir Lamorak and he smote down many knights,and raced off helms,and drove all the knights afore them.And so Sir Launcelot smote down Sir Dinadan,and made his men to unarm him,and so brought him to the queen and the haut prince,and they laughed at Dinadan so sore that they might not stand.Well,said Sir Dinadan,yet have I no shame,for the old shrew,Sir Launcelot,smote me down.So they went to dinner,[and]

all the court had good sport at Dinadan.

Then when the dinner was done they blew to the field to behold Sir Palomides and Corsabrin.Sir Palomides pight his pensel in midst of the field;and then they hurtled together with their spears as it were thunder,and either smote other to the earth.And then they pulled out their swords,and dressed their shields,and lashed together mightily as mighty knights,that well-nigh there was no piece of harness would hold them,for this Corsabrin was a passing felonious knight.Corsabrin,said Palomides,wilt thou release me yonder damosel and the pensel?Then was Corsabrin wroth out of measure,and gave Palomides such a buffet that he kneeled on his knee.

Then Palomides arose lightly,and smote him upon the helm that he fell down right to the earth.And therewith he raced off his helm and said:Corsabrin,yield thee or else thou shalt die of my hands.Fie on thee,said Corsabrin,do thy worst.Then he smote off his head.

And therewithal came a stink of his body when the soul departed,that there might nobody abide the savour.So was the corpse had away and buried in a wood,because he was a paynim.Then they blew unto lodging,and Palomides was unarmed.

Then he went unto Queen Guenever,to the haut prince,and to Sir Launcelot.Sir,said the haut prince,here have ye seen this day a great miracle by Corsabrin,what savour there was when the soul departed from the body.Therefore,sir,we will require you to take the baptism upon you,and I promise you all knights will set the more by you,and say more worship by you.Sir,said Palomides,I will that ye all know that into this land I came to be christened,and in my heart I am christened and christened will I be.But I have made such an avow that I may not be christened till I have done seven true battles for Jesu's sake,and then will I be christened;and I trust God will take mine intent,for I mean truly Then Sir Palomides prayed Queen Guenever and the haut prince to sup with him.And so they did,both Sir Launcelot and Sir Lamorak,and many other good knights.

So on the morn they heard their mass,and blew the field,and then knights made them ready.


Of the sixth day,and what then was done.

HERE beginneth the sixth day.Then came therein Sir Gaheris,and there encountered with him Sir Ossaise of Surluse,and Sir Gaheris smote him over his horse's croup.

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