
第196章 BOOK X(48)

WHEN Sir Ector de Maris saw Sir Launcelot his brother have such a despite,and so set on foot,then he gat a spear eagerly,and ran against Sir Palomides,and he smote him so hard that he bare him quite from his horse.That saw Sir Tristram,that was in red harness,and he smote down Sir Ector de Maris quite from his horse.Then Sir Launcelot dressed his shield upon his shoulder,and with his sword naked in his hand,and so came straight upon Sir Palomides fiercely and said:Wit thou well thou hast done me this day the greatest despite that ever any worshipful knight did to me in tournament or in jousts,and therefore I will be avenged upon thee,therefore take keep to yourself.Ah,mercy,noble knight,said Palomides,and forgive me mine unkindly deeds,for I have no power nor might to withstand you,and Ihave done so much this day that well I wot I did never so much,nor never shall in my life-days;and therefore,most noble knight,I require thee spare me as at this day,and I promise you I shall ever be your knight while I live:an ye put me from my worship now,ye put me from the greatest worship that ever I had or ever shall have in my life-days.Well,said Sir Launcelot,I see,for to say thee sooth,ye have done marvellously well this day;and I understand a part for whose love ye do it,and well I wot that love is a great mistress.And if my lady were here as she nis not,wit you well,said Sir Launcelot,ye should not bear away the worship.But beware your love be not discovered,for an Sir Tristram may know it ye will repent it;and sithen my quarrel is not here,ye shall have this day the worship as for me;considering the great travail and pain that ye have had this day,it were no worship for me to put you from it.

And therewithal Sir Launcelot suffered Sir Palomides to depart.

Then Sir Launcelot by great force and might gat his own horse maugre twenty knights.So when Sir Launcelot was horsed he did many marvels,and so did Sir Tristram,and Sir Palomides in like wise.Then Sir Launcelot smote down with a spear Sir Dinadan,and the King of Scotland,and the King of Wales,and the King of Northumberland,and the King of Listinoise.So then Sir Launcelot and his fellows smote down well a forty knights.Then came the King of Ireland and the King of the Straight Marches to rescue Sir Tristram and Sir Palomides.There began a great medley,and many knights were smitten down on both parties;and always Sir Launcelot spared Sir Tristram,and he spared him.And Sir Palomides would not meddle with Sir Launcelot,and so there was hurtling here and there.And then King Arthur sent out many knights of the Table Round;and Sir Palomides was ever in the foremost front,and Sir Tristram did so strongly well that the king and all other had marvel.And then the king let blow to lodging;and because Sir Palomides began first,and never he went nor rode out of the field to repose,but ever he was doing marvellously well either on foot or on horseback,and longest during,King Arthur and all the kings gave Sir Palomides the honour and the gree as for that day.

Then Sir Tristram commanded Sir Dinadan to fetch the queen La Beale Isoud,and bring her to his two pavilions that stood by the well.And so Dinadan did as he was commanded.But when Sir Palomides understood and wist that Sir Tristram was in the red armour,and on a red horse,wit ye well that he was glad,and so was Sir Gareth and Sir Dinadan,for they all weened that Sir Tristram had been taken prisoner.And then every knight drew to his inn.And then King Arthur and every knight spake of those knights;but above all men they gave Sir Palomides the prize,and all knights that knew Sir Palomides had wonder of his deeds.Sir,said Sir Launcelot unto Arthur,as for Sir Palomides an he be the green knight I dare say as for this day he is best worthy to have the degree,for he reposed him never,nor never changed his weeds,and he began first and longest held on.

And yet,well I wot,said Sir Launcelot,that there was a better knight than he,and that shall be proved or we depart,upon pain of my life.Thus they talked on either party;and so Sir Dinadan railed with Sir Tristram and said:What the devil is upon thee this day?for Sir Palomides'strength feebled never this day,but ever he doubled his strength.


How Sir Dinadan provoked Sir Tristram to do well.

AND thou,Sir Tristram,farest all this day as though thou hadst been asleep,and therefore I call thee coward.Well,Dinadan,said Sir Tristram,I was never called coward or now of no earthly knight in my life;and wit thou well,sir,I call myself never the more coward though Sir Launcelot gave me a fall,for I outcept him of all knights.

And doubt ye not Sir Dinadan,an Sir Launcelot have a quarrel good,he is too over good for any knight that now is living;and yet of his sufferance,largess,bounty,and courtesy,I call him knight peerless:and so Sir Tristram was in manner wroth with Sir Dinadan.But all this language Sir Dinadan said because he would anger Sir Tristram,for to cause him to awake his spirits and to be wroth;for well knew Sir Dinadan that an Sir Tristram were thoroughly wroth Sir Palomides should not get the prize upon the morn.And for this intent Sir Dinadan said all this railing and language against Sir Tristram.

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