
第9章 A Dog is Tale(4)

Then came the winter. One day I was standing a watch in the nursery. That is to say, I was asleep on the bed. The baby was asleep in the crib, which was alongside alongside adv.在旁prep.横靠 the bed, on the side next the fireplace. It was the kind of crib that has a lofty tent over it made of gauzy stuff that you can see through. The nurse was out, and we two sleepers were alone. A spark from the woodfire was shot out, and it lit on the slope of the tent. I suppose a quiet interval interval n.间隔, 距离, 幕间休息 n.时间间隔 followed, then a scream from the baby awoke me, and there was that tent flaming up toward the ceiling! Before I could think, I sprang to the floor in my fright, and in a second was halfway to the door, but in the next halfsecond my mothers farewell was sounding in my ears, and I was back on the bed again. I reached my head through the flames and dragged the baby out by the waistband, and tugged tug v.用力拖, 吃力地搬运, 苦干, 用拖轮拖, 拖拉 n.拖, 苦干, 拖船, (牵引用的)绳索 it along, and we fell to the floor together in a cloud of smoke. I snatched a new hold, and dragged the screaming little creature along and out at the door and around the bend of the hall, and was still tugging away, all excited and happy and proud, when the masters voice shouted:


“Begone you cursed beast! ” And I jumped to save myself, but he was furiously quick, and chased me up, striking furiously at me with his cane, I dodging this way and that, in terror, and at last a strong blow fell upon my left foreleg, which made me shriek and fall, for the moment, helpless. The came went up for another blow, but never descended, for the nurses voice rang wildly out, “The nurserys on fire! ” And the master rushed away in that direction, and my other bones were saved.


The pain was cruel, but, no matter, I must not lose any time. he might come back at any moment, so I limped on three legs to the other end of the hall, where there was a dark little stairway leading up into a garret where old boxes and such things were kept, as I had heard say, and where people seldom went. I managed to climb up there, then I searched my way through the dark among the piles of things, and hid in the secretest place I could find. It was foolish to be afraid there, yet still I was, so afraid that I held in and hardly even whimpered whimper vi.呜咽, 哀诉, though it would have been such a comfort to whimper, because that eases the pain, you know. But I could lick my leg, and that did some good.


For half an hour there was a commotion commotion n.骚动, 暴乱 downstairs, and shoutings, and rushing footsteps, and then there was quiet again. Quiet for some minutes, and that was grateful to my spirit, for then my fears began to go down, and fears are worse than pains—oh, much worse. Then came a sound that froze me. They were calling me—calling me by name—hunting for me!


It was muffled muffle v.包, 蒙住, 压抑(声音) n.围巾, 头巾, 消声器 by distance, but that could not take the terror out of it, and it was the most dreadful sound to me that I had ever heard. It went all about, everywhere, down there: along the halls, through all the rooms, in both stories, and in the basement and the cellar. Then outside, and farther and farther away—then back, and all about the house again, and I thought it would never, never stop. But at last it did, hours and hours after the vague vague adj.含糊的, 不清楚的, 茫然的, 暧昧的 twilight of the garret had long ago been blotted out by black darkness.


Then in that blessed stillness my terrors fell little by little away, and I was at peace and slept. It was a good rest I had, but I woke before the twilight had come again. I was feeling fairly comfortable, and I could think out a plan now. I made a very good one, which was, to creep down, all the way down the back stairs, and hide behind the cellar door cellar door n.地窖门, and slip out and escape when the iceman came at dawn, while he was inside filling the refrigerator refrigerator n.电冰箱, 冷藏库. Then I would hide all day, and start on my journey when night came, my journey to—well, anywhere where they would not know me and betray me to the master. I was feeling almost cheerful now, then suddenly I thought: Why, what would life be without my puppy!


That was despair. There was no plan for me, I saw that, I must say where I was, stay, and wait, and take what might come—it was not my affair, that was what life is—my mother had said it. Then—well, then the calling began again! All my sorrows came back. I said to myself, the master will never forgive. I did not know what I had done to make him so bitter and so unforgiving, yet I judged it was something a dog could not understand, but which was clear to a man and dreadful dreadful adj.可怕的, <;口>;讨厌的.


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  • 大学生幸福心理课


    本书以心理健康知识和积极心理学的基本理论为基础,以帮助大学生用更积极阳光的心态去追求幸福人生为目的,紧紧围绕大学生成长过程中经常遇到的心理困惑,如自我成长、学习困惑、人际交往、情绪困惑、压力管理等,展开了系统的阐述。本书结合当前大学生身心特点和新时代对个体积极心态,以及高心理素质的要求,通过“身边故事”“理论快线”“ 探索自我”“实训操练”“感悟成长”五大模块,突出心理课程的适用性和可操作性。通过环环相扣的内容设置,让大学生在实战体验中获得良好的心理素质,勇敢追求属于自己的幸福生活。
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