
第16章 Mainly Revision(2)

Show the Ss some stamps and talk about stamps or stamp collection by asking the Ss some questions:

1)What are these?

2)Do you like collecting stamps?

3)Have you got any valuable stamps?

4)Why do you like collecting stamps?

5)What else can we collect except stamps?

Tell the Ss today we"re going to listen to a dialogue between Bruce and Zhou Lan.They are talking on the telephone about stamps.Please listen to the dialogue and find out what Brice wanted to get.

Step 3 Listening

1.Get the Ss to listen to the tape of the dialogue with the books closed.

2.Play the tape again and let the Ss repeat the dialogue.

T:Now let"s listen to the tape again.When you listen to the tape,please pay attention to your pronunciation and read after the tape.

3.Ask them to answer this question:what does Bruce want to get?[A cock year stamp]Step 4 Reading

1.Get the Ss to read it in pairs.Then ask them some questions.

1)When did Bruce make a telephone call to Zhou Lan?

2)What happened to the cock year stamp Zhou Lan once sold?

3)What did Zhou Lan offer to do for Bruce?


1)late in the evening.2)the week before3)help find one cock year stamp for Bruce.

2.Ask one or two pairs to act out the dialogue.

Step 5 Language points

1.Go through the dialogue briefly and make sure the Ss understand it.

2.Get the Ss to understand the following expressions and give them some explanations if necessary.

1)It is a pity+that clauseIt was a pity she didn"t ring me up yesterday.

2)Excuse me for doing sth.

Excuse me for ringing you so late in the evening.

3)I"d like to do sth.

I"d like to ask you some questions.

4)What a pity!What a shame!

A:I"m sorry I can"t join you in the travel.

B:What a shame!/What a pity!

Step 6 Practice 1

T tells Ss to read the dialogue again and complete the following dialogue.

A:Who you so late at night?


A:What did he you to do?

B:He me some stamps.He is very interested in。

A:You have one,?

B:I did have one,but I last week.

A:Do you think you for Bruce?

B:Yes.I to do so.I"ll as soon as I get one.

Step 7 Practice 2

SB Page 31 Part

2.Ask the Ss to make sentences in pairs.For example:This/ThatThat/There

It"s Bob here.Is Bob there?

This is Bob.Is that Bob?

This is Bob speaking.Can I speak to Bob?

Step 8 Practice 3

SB Page 31 Part

3.Work in pairs.Make up a dialogue that a foreigner Mr White wants to buy an old coin from his Chinese friend Mr Yang.The teacher lets the Ss prepare a few minutes,then asks two students to play in front of class.For example:One possible version:W:Excuse me for ringing you so early.

Y:That"s OK.

W:I would like to ask you for some Chinese coins.Do you have any old Chinese coins made in 1800AD?I would like to buy one.

Y:I used to have one,but I gave it to a friend last month.

W:Oh,what a pity!

Y:I"m sorry I didn"t know you were interested in our coins.What a shame!

W:Never mind.

Y:Do you want me to find one for you?

W:Yes,please.That would be kind of you.

Y:Ok.I"ll ring you if I have any news.

W:Thank a lot.Goodbye.


Step 9 Homework

1.Finish off the exercises on Page 9


2.Write down the telephone message of WB Ex.2 in their exercise books.

Lesson 22

Teaching Aims

1.Word and phrases

shape,ring,collection,bank,material,hide,silver,penny(pl.pence),mine(n.),possibly,whenever,seashell,hand out,here and there,look round.

2.Useful expressions

1)…be of+n.=be+adj.

2)It is said that+subject clauseIt is reported that…

It is believed that.

It is common to have the head of a famous person on one side.

3.Learn the history of coin.

Teaching Procedures

Step 1 Revision

Revise the dialogue in SB L.21 by asking a pair of students to come to the front to act out the dialogue they themselves made.

T:First of all,I"ll ask some of you to act out the dialogue you yourselves made after class.

A:Hello.Can I speak to…please?

B:This is…speaking.

A:Hello,…This is…Excuse me for ringing you so late.

B:That"s OK.

A:I would like to ask you about some stamps.Do you still have……stamp?

B:I"m afraid I don"t have it any more.I……

A:Oh!What a pity!

Step 2 Warm-up

1.Make up a dialogue between Ss and the teacher by asking these questions:Do you like collecting things?

What do you collect?

How do you collect them?

2.Discussion:Put the Ss in groups of four to discuss these questions:Which of the following do you collect:stamps,coin or postcards?Anything else?

3.Show the Ss some coins.Ask them who collect coin?How many coins have you collected?Tell the Ss something about coins.

T will tell them these coins are produced in 199


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