
第44章 University of Washington: Let"s do something impor



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University of Washington (UW) is a public research university that is known as one of the best higher learning institutions in Seattle, Washington, United States. Founded in 1861, UW is one of the oldest universities on the West Coast. The university offers degrees in dozens of disciplines, including aeronautics, architecture, women"s programs and medicine. Its teaching hospital at Harborview Medical Center is known throughout the nation for its burn and trauma centers. The university has public radio and television stations that are staffed by college departments and students. University of Washington is known as a commuter school, and freshmen are not required to live on campus. Housing is not guaranteed for any student. For those that do reside in the residence halls, the university stresses "living green" through energy conservation and recycling. The University of Washington prides itself on fostering a setting where students can develop independent and mature judgment, critical thinking skills, and effective communication skills. The school also takes pride in a competitive athletics program including football, volleyball, basketball, track and field, and cross country.

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System: The University of Washington cultivates a warm, receptive educational atmosphere. With innovative classroom, laboratory, creative practice, public service, and international education, UW is known for being one of the nation"s foremost research and teaching schools of higher learning. Its academic center is the College of Arts and Sciences, and the school offers several programs that are offered nowhere else in the state of Washington, including aeronautics, library science, fisheries and oceanography, forest resources, law, and medicine. Additionally, the University of Washington is chiefly responsible for the fields of public health and dentistry, and offers medical training for Alaska and the entire Pacific Northwestern region.

Campus: The university has three campuses: the largest in the University District (Seattle) and two others in Tacoma and Bothell. The University of Washington, Seattle campus, is situated on the shores of Union and Portage Bays, with views of the Cascade Range to the east and the Olympic Mountains to the west. Home to the original Starbucks, Microsoft, and Boeing, Seattle is founded on a unique mix of mainstream technological businesses and a distinctively bohemian flavor.


dozens of 几十;许多

discipline [disiplin] n. 学科;纪律

aeronautics [rn:tiks] n. 航空学;飞行术

trauma [tr:m] n. (外科)创伤;外伤

guarantee [ɡrnti:] vt. 保证;担保

cultivate [kltiveit] vt. 培养;陶冶

fishery [firi] n. 渔业;渔场;水产业

oceanography [uinɡrfi] n. 海洋学

dentistry [dentistri] n. 牙科学;牙医业

bohemian [buhi:mjn] adj. 波希米亚的;放荡不羁的




现任教授中有9位诺贝尔奖得主, 215位美国院士,包括:68位美国国家科学院院士,67位美国文理学院院士,53位美国国家医学院院士,21位美国国家工程院院士;29位美国总统科学技术奖得主,15位麦克阿瑟天才奖得主等。




We always have time enough, if we will but use it aright.


Never leave that until tomorrow, which you can do today.


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