
第54章 Boston University: Learning, virtue, piety



Back to its origin

Boston University (most commonly referred to as BU) is a private research university located in Boston, Massachusetts. Boston University traces its roots to the establishment of the Newbury Biblical Institute in Newbury, Vermont in 1839, and was chartered with the name "Boston University" by the Massachusetts Legislature in 1869. The University organized formal centennial observances both in 1939 and 1969. It has two campuses: the Charles River Campus and the Medical Campus with 17 schools and colleges and more than 250 programs of study. Among its faculty and alumni, BU counts seven Nobel Prize winners, including Martin Luther King, Jr. ; 22 Pulitzer Prize winners, and numerous Guggenheim and MacArthur fellows.

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System: Boston University offers bachelor"s degrees, master"s degrees, and doctoral degrees, and medical and dental degrees through its 16 schools and colleges. Each school and college at the university has a three letter abbreviation, which is commonly used in place of their full school or college name. For example, the College of Arts and Sciences is commonly referred to as CAS, the School of Management is SMG, the School of Education is SED, etc. Colleges and schools at Boston University include: College of Fine Arts (CFA), College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (GRS), College of Communication (COM), College of Engineering (ENG), College of General Studies (CGS),College of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (Sargent College) (SAR), School of Education (SED), School of Law (LAW),School of Management (SMG), Metropolitan College (MET),School of Social Work (SSW), School of Theology (STH), School of Medicine (MED), Goldman School of Dental Medicine (SDM), School of Public Health (SPH) .

Men"s hockey team: The Boston University men"s hockey team is the most successful on campus, and is a storied college hockey franchise, with five NCAA championships - including the 2009 NCAA title, which was a classic last-minute comeback victory. The team is coached by hall-of-famer Jack Parker, and is a major supplier of talent to the NHL, as well as to the 1980 U.S.A. Gold Medal-winning men"s hockey team. Boston University"s hockey team has won 29 Beanpot titles, more than any other team in the tournament, which includes Harvard University, Boston College, and Northeastern University.


Biblical [biblikl] adj. 圣经的;依据圣经的

centennial [sentenjl, sentenil] n. 百年纪念

observance [bz:vns] n. 惯例;遵守;仪式

metropolitan [metrplit()n] adj. 大都市的

tournament [tunmnt] n. 锦标赛;比赛



波士顿大学共有16 个学院,包括艺术学院、大众传播学院、教育学院、牙医学院、工学院、法学院、文理学院、商学院、医学院、大都会学院、公共卫生学院、社会工作学院、神学院、酒店管理学院等。大都会学院为波士顿大学的一大特色,专为社会人士提供在职进修的机会。最好的学科是工程、大众传播、商科管理和心理学。


波士顿大学的校友和员工中一共有6位诺贝尔奖获得者, 22位普利策奖获得者,9位艾美奖获得者,还有多名金球奖以及奥斯卡奖提名或获奖者。

波士顿大学位于波士顿市中心,闹中取静,交通便利,隔着查理士河与哈佛大学、麻省理工学院等校遥遥相对。波士顿大学所处的位置中,除了艺术文化及学术风格浓厚之外,像一些国家级的机构也设立在此,例如: 美国国家航空暨太空总署、医学研究中心等,让这里赢得了美国东部硅谷之美名。


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