
第2章 奥运对话练习(1)

The Ancient Olympic Games 古代奥运会

Dialogue Script 1

Jason:Annie,it is said you are an Olympic expert.Can you tell me anything about the ancient Olympics?

Annie:Of course.What do you want to know?

Jason:It’s origin,fundament,development and abolishment,etc.I am writing an article on it.

Annie:It’s original place is Olympia,in Athens.It is a “Holy Land”of sports.The founder of it was a Greek,Yiphitus.It was he who declared to hold the Olympic Games every four years.The first Ancient Olympic Games were held in 776BC.

Jason:Were all the participants native Greek?

Annie:Yes,there were only Greek at the beginning.With the development of the Olympics,people came to participate in the Games from the land and sea of other places.And the sports events were much fewer than now,the time did not last as long as it does now,either.

Jason:Did anybody use stimulants then?

Annie:Yes,somebody did,but not as bad as now.It was a pity that the ancient Olympic Games began to decline after the Roman Empire dominated the ancient Greece.It was abolished in 394AD.Due to two earthquakes and some battles,Olympia was destroyed completely,and the ancient Olympic Games,which has lasted over a thousand years,disintegrated.

Jason:This was the sorrow of human beings.Annie,you are really an expert.I’ve got it.Thank you very much.

Annie:My pleasure.


1.It’s origin,fundament,development and abolishment.


2.BC是公元前,是Before Christ的缩写,AD是公元,是Anno Domini的缩写。

3.Stimulants 兴奋剂use stimulants使用兴奋剂。

4.Olympic Games是一个复数形式,所以在它后面的动词、系动词形式都要一致。

Dialogue Script 2

Joe:The 2008summer Olympics will be held in Beijing,China.The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens,Greece.Do you know?

Megan:Of course.Athens is a great place,and...

Joe:And the first modern Olympic Games were held there in 1896.

Megan:The ancient Olympic Games also date from there.

Joe:Yes,the first Game happened in 776BC in Olympia.

Megan:But it has been enriched largely since 1896,when the first modern Games were held in Athens.

Joe:Absolutely.Especially women,you know,no women were allowed to take part in the Games at that time.

Megan:They even had no right to see!

Joe:But in modern Olympics,women play a significant part in it.

Megan:In the ancient times,non Greek was not allowed to take part in the games.

Joe:But the modern Olympics are international games,and all the countries in the world have right to join it.

Megan:Yes,now the Beijing Olympic Committee is making preparations for the 2008Games.I hope it will be a great success.

Joe:I hope so,too.


1.date,动词,表示从何时开始。The ancient Olympic Games also date from there.古典奥运会也是从那开始的。

2.take part in 参加某项活动,比如:Women can take part in the Olympic Games nowadays.现在女性可以参加奥运会比赛了。

3.play +形容词+part in...在某项活动中起到了什么样的作用。Women play a significant part in the modern Olympic Games.妇女在现代奥运会中发挥了重要的作用。还可以把part换成role。Women play a significant role in the modern Olympic Games.


The first Games were held in Olympia to celebrate Zeus’victory against his father.

第一次奥运会在奥林匹亚举行是为了纪念宙斯在比武中战胜了他的父亲。(这是关于奥运会起源的传说之一)No war was allowed until the Games were over.


Women,discovered in the ancient Games,would be thrown off a nearby cliff,whether they were spectators or competitors.


After the festival,winning athletes wore Olympic wreath of wild olive leaves and went back to their hometown.

盛会结束以后,获胜的运动员戴上由野生橄榄叶编成的花环。(象征着希腊人所能赢得的最高荣誉,荣归故里)The ancient Olympic Games were a symbol of peace and friendship at the beginning.


The dove and the olive branch become the symbols of peace.


The Modern Olympic Games 现代奥运会Dialogue Script 1

Mark:Shall we take a walk?

Tina:I don’t want to go since I’m too full.

Mark:You may live up to 99years,if you take a walk after meals.That is what you told me before.

Tina:All right,let’s go.

Tina:Mark,do you know when the first modern Olympic Games were held?

Mark:Of course,the first modern Olympics were held in Athens in 1896.And Mr.Baron De Coubertin was the father of the modern Olympics.

Tina:Yes,he made a great contribution to the restoring of the Olympic Games.But I heard at that time women were not allowed to participate in the Games or even watch the Games,is that true?

Mark:Yes,that’s true.Women didn’t participate in the Olympic Games until the second modern Olympics.Moreover,there were only 295competitors from 13countries and areas who participated in 9events.

Tina:But we know the development of any kind of event has a process to train the audiences.

Mark:I agree with you.At the first Olympic Games,there were only 9events,but now it has developed into no less than 20.



2.俗语:You may live up to 99years,if you take a walk after meals.就是我们经常说的“饭后百步走,活到九十九”。

3.法国贵族顾拜旦是现代奥运会之父,Coubertin was the father of the modern Olympics.


Dialogue Script 2

Annie:Where are you heading for?

David:Take a walk.I just had dinner,and you?

Annie:I’m taking a walk too.I have just watched a game.It was really interesting.

David :Annie,do you know “Olympic Vow”?

Annie:Yes.In fact,the oath was composed by Pierre De Coubertin.At the opening ceremony,an athlete of the host country recites the following,“In the name of all competitors,I promise that we will take part in these Olympic Games,respeting and abiding by the rules which govern us,in the true spirit of sportsmanship for the glory of sports and the honor of our teams.”

David:Did it start from the 7th Games?

Annie:Yes,Besides taking an oath by the athletes,the flag was raised from that time as well.

David:Ah,yes,I know about the flags.There will be a handing over and taking over ceremony in each closing ceremony of the Olympic Games.The mayor of the host city will give the flag to president of the IOC,and president will hand it to the mayor of the next host city.

Annie:But do you know the flag raised at the opening ceremony of the Olympics is only a substitute?The host city treasures it after it receives the flag.

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