
第17章 Tales(17)

By and by in came the masters of the cottage. Now they were seven little dwarfs, that lived among the mountains, and dug and searched for gold. They lighted up their seven lamps, and saw at once that all was notright. The first said, ‘Who has been sitting on my stool?’ The second, ‘Who has been eating off my plate?’ The third, ‘Who has been picking my bread?’ The fourth, ‘Who has been meddling with my spoon?’ The fifth, ‘Who has been handling my fork?’ The sixth, ‘Who has been cutting with my knife?’ The seventh, ‘Who has been drinking my wine?’ Then the first looked round and said, ‘Who has been lying on my bed?’ And the rest came running to him, and everyone cried out that somebody had been upon his bed. But the seventh saw Snowdrop, and called all his brethren to come and see her; and they cried out with wonder and astonishment and brought their lamps to look at her, and said, ‘Good heavens! what a lovely child she is!’ And they were very glad to see her, and took care not to wake her; and the seventh dwarf slept an hour with each of the other dwarfs in turn, till the night was gone.

In the morning Snowdrop told them all her story; and they pitied her, and said if she would keep all things in order, and cook and wash and knit and spin for them, she might stay where she was, and they would take good care of her. Then they went out all day long to their work, seeking for gold and silver in the mountains: but Snowdrop was left at home; and they warned her, and said, ‘The queen will soon find out where you are, so take care and let no one in.’

But the queen, now that she thought Snowdrop was dead, believed that she must be the handsomest lady in the land; and she went to her glass and said:

‘Tell me, glass, tell me true! Of all the ladies in the land, Who is fairest, tell me, who?’

And the glass answered:

‘Thou, queen, art the fairest in all this land: But over the hills, in the greenwood shade,Where the seven dwarfs their dwelling have made, There Snowdrop is hiding her head; and sheIs lovelier far, O queen! than thee.’

Then the queen was very much frightened; for she knew that the glass always spoke the truth, and was sure that the servant had betrayed her. And she could not bear to think that anyone lived who was more beautiful than she was; so she dressed herself up as an old pedlar, and went her way over the hills, to the place where the dwarfs dwelt. Then she knocked at the door, and cried, ‘Fine wares to sell!’ Snowdrop looked out at the window, and said, ‘Good day, good woman! what have you to sell?’ ‘Good wares, fine wares,’ said she; ‘laces and bobbins of all colours.’ ‘I will let the old lady in; she seems to be a very good sort of body,’ thought Snowdrop, as she ran down and unbolted the door. ‘Bless me!’ said the old woman, ‘how badly your stays are laced! Let me lace them up with one of my nice new laces.’ Snowdrop did not dream of any mischief; so she stood before the old woman; but she set to work so nimbly, and pulled the lace so tight, that Snowdrop’s breath was stopped, and she fell down as if she were dead. ‘There’s an end to all thy beauty,’ said the spiteful queen, and went away home.

In the evening the seven dwarfs came home; and I need not say how grieved they were to see their faithful Snowdrop stretched out upon the ground, as if she was quite dead. However, they lifted her up, and when they found what ailed her, they cut the lace; and in a little time she began to breathe, and very soon came to life again. Then they said, ‘The old woman was the queen herself; take care another time, and let no one in when we are away.’

When the queen got home, she went straight to her glass, and spoke to it as before; but to her great grief it still said:

‘Thou, queen, art the fairest in all this land: But over the hills, in the greenwood shade,Where the seven dwarfs their dwelling have made, There Snowdrop is hiding her head; and sheIs lovelier far, O queen! than thee.’

  • 写作与语言教程


  • 中华趣味语文(青少年版)


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  • 语文新课标课外必读·第一辑:成语故事


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  • 重生之轩辕武圣


    抗击异族入侵,守护华夏文明之火。 结束乱世之争,维护九州河山一统。 重生后来到一平行世界,具备过目不忘的奇能。在这里,宋太祖武力绝伦,南唐后主词剑双绝,后蜀皇帝竟是蜀山剑门弟子!武者崛起,乱世争锋,快意恩仇,一双铁拳会尽天下英雄。为守护河山,守护心爱之人,不断突破极限,踏上武道巅峰。绝不接受屈辱,不向敌人低头,有仇必报,有爱必争!作者另有百万完本武侠《笑傲天下》,书荒可读。
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