
第42章 CHAPTER IV.(4)

Doubtless, if he expected patronage, it was in vain; enough for him if he here obtained occasional glimpses of the great world, from which we at one time fancied him to have been always excluded. "The Zahdarms," says he, "lived in the soft, sumptuous garniture of Aristocracy; whereto Literature and Art, attracted and attached from without, were to serve as the handsomest fringing. It was to the _Gnadigen Frau_ (her Ladyship) that this latter improvement was due: assiduously she gathered, dexterously she fitted on, what fringing was to be had; lace or cobweb, as the place yielded." Was Teufelsdrockh also a fringe, of lace or cobweb; or promising to be such? "With his _Excellenz_ (the Count)," continues he, "I have more than once had the honor to converse; chiefly on general affairs, and the aspect of the world, which he, though now past middle life, viewed in no unfavorable light; finding indeed, except the Outrooting of Journalism (_die auszurottende Journalistik_), little to desiderate therein. On some points, as his _Excellenz_ was not uncholeric, I found it more pleasant to keep silence. Besides, his occupation being that of Owning Land, there might be faculties enough, which, as superfluous for such use, were little developed in him."That to Teufelsdrockh the aspect of the world was nowise so faultless, and many things besides "the Outrooting of Journalism" might have seemed improvements, we can readily conjecture. With nothing but a barren Auscultatorship from without, and so many mutinous thoughts and wishes from within, his position was no easy one. "The Universe," he says, "was as a mighty Sphinx-riddle, which I knew so little of, yet must rede, or be devoured. In red streaks of unspeakable grandeur, yet also in the blackness of darkness, was Life, to my too-unfurnished Thought, unfolding itself. A strange contradiction lay in me; and I as yet knew not the solution of it; knew not that spiritual music can spring only from discords set in harmony; that but for Evil there were no Good, as victory is only possible by battle.""I have heard affirmed (surely in jest)," observes he elsewhere, "by not unphilanthropic persons, that it were a real increase of human happiness, could all young men from the age of nineteen be covered under barrels, or rendered otherwise invisible; and there left to follow their lawful studies and callings, till they emerged, sadder and wiser, at the age of twenty-five. With which suggestion, at least as considered in the light of a practical scheme, I need scarcely say that I nowise coincide.

  • 一世宠妃之非你不可


    慕蓁蓁,21世纪的高材生,睡觉时一个翻身的功夫,竟然穿越到一个架空的时代!差点被当成刺客给咔嚓了!我去,别人穿越都是魂穿,没玩好说不定还有回去的可能,可她这可是身穿!连复活甲都没有,一个没玩好那可就玩完了! 穿越奇情,历史架空,这里是我自己构造的平行世界,考究党慎入~ (新书《魔妃别嚣张》已上线,与这完全不同的世界观和故事体系,入坑不亏,求收藏求支持呀~)
  • 天行


  • 敌营四年半


  • 奥特战士系列


  • 萌妻在上:首席101次追婚


  • 你行不行呀


  • 校草的专属恋人


  • 焚天焚地


  • 今天渣了男主吗


    (女强,很强,女宠男,很宠)“宿主你够了,男主都快被你虐死啦。”狗砸系统怒吼道。(“媳妇儿对我可好了”枕畔心里想着。“媳妇儿,我爱你”)辞九挖了挖耳朵,满不在乎“不是你说的嘛枕畔,要给男主带绿帽的吗?”“我是说过,却不知道是让你逼他死啊啊啊!? 身旁走过一位面容精致的小哥哥,辞九忍不住的回头瞅瞅,“怎么有点眼熟?”狗砸有力无气“他就是男主啊!” “哦!怪不得呢。”面上冷淡,心中却暗想“以前咋就没发现他长的这鸭好看!”[枕畔默默的流着泪,以前你只知道任务,哪里知道我的长相啊!(?_?)] 本文另一个书名是《男主总在黑化中》或《女主她是“矜持”本人》。 本文是新书喔,还望支持哈!嘻嘻嘻
  • 慕容雨萌

