

Rador drew his poniard and struck twice upon the wall with its hilt.Immediately a panel moved away, revealing a space filled with faint, misty blue radiance.And at each side of the open portal stood four of the dwarfish men, grey-headed, old, clad in flowing garments of white, each point-ing toward us a short silver rod.

Rador drew from his girdle a ring and held it out to the first dwarf.He examined it, handed it to the one beside him, and not until each had inspected the ring did they lower their curious weapons; containers of that terrific energy they called the _Keth_, I thought; and later was to know that I had been right.

We stepped out; the doors closed behind us.The place was weird enough.Its pave was a greenish-blue stone re-sembling lapis lazuli.On each side were high pedestals hold-ing carved figures of the same material.There were perhaps a score of these, but in the mistiness I could not make out their outlines.A droning, rushing roar beat upon our ears;filled the whole cavern.

"I smell the sea," said Larry suddenly.

The roaring became deep-toned, clamorous, and close in front of us a rift opened.Twenty feet in width, it cut the cavern floor and vanished into the blue mist on each side.

The cleft was spanned by one solid slab of rock not more than two yards wide.It had neither railing nor other protec-tion.

The four leading priests marched out upon it one by one, and we followed.In the middle of the span they knelt.Ten feet beneath us was a torrent of blue sea-water racing with prodigious speed between polished walls.It gave the impres-sion of vast depth.It roared as it sped by, and far to the right was a low arch through which it disappeared.It was so swift that its surface shone like polished blue steel, and from it came the blessed, OUR WORLDLY, familiar ocean breath that strengthened my soul amazingly and made me realize how earth-sick I was.

Whence came the stream, I marvelled, forgetting for the moment, as we passed on again, all else.Were we closer to the surface of earth than I had thought, or was this some mighty flood falling through an opening in sea floor, Heaven alone knew how many miles above us, losing itself in deeper abysses beyond these? How near and how far this was from the truth I was to learn--and never did truth come to man in more dreadful guise!

The roaring fell away, the blue haze lessened.In front of us stretched a wide flight of steps, huge as those which had led us into the courtyard of Nan-Tauach through the ruined sea-gate.We scaled it; it narrowed; from above light poured through a still narrower opening.Side by side Larry and Ipassed out of it.

We had emerged upon an enormous platform of what seemed to be glistening ivory.It stretched before us for a hundred yards or more and then shelved gently into the white waters.Opposite--not a mile away--was that prodi-gious web of woven rainbows Rador had called the Veil of the Shining One.There it shone in all its unearthly grandeur, on each side of the Cyclopean pillars, as though a mountain should stretch up arms raising between them a fairy banner of auroral glories.Beneath it was the curved, scimitar sweep of the pier with its clustered, gleaming temples.

Before that brief, fascinated glance was done, there dropped upon my soul a sensation as of brooding weight in-tolerable; a spiritual oppression as though some vastness was falling, pressing, stifling me, I turned--and Larry caught me as I reeled.

"Steady! Steady, old man!" he whispered.

  • 雪人不见了


  • 冥冥之末夕


  • 把大学生培养成财富


  • 天行


  • 疯狂的英雄


  • 诛魔灭仙


  • 超时空帝国


  • 大世葬星


  • 天行


  • 你是我的将来时


    这是一本双暗恋的短篇高甜心动江言予&姜冉月老给他们牵线是用的大链锁,不用害怕会挣开初遇姜冉:“同学!你的肥zao掉了!”江言予:“不是还有毛巾?...”姜冉:“我觉得肥zao可能更贵一点”江言予:...... 温夏不瞎:“从今以后,你就是组织安排在五班的卧底了!”姜冉不吃姜:听说卧底一般都si得很惨温夏不瞎:组织信任你姜冉不吃姜:我不信任我自个....温夏不瞎:去吧,组织是你坚强的后盾五班全体:大嫂好! “请问姜冉同学,数学选择题全与正确答案擦肩而过是什么感觉?”姜冉:“没什么感觉,能跟喜欢的人一起回家真幸福!”“请问江言予同学,物理选择题全与正确答案正面击掌是什么感觉?”江言予:“不开心,她今天忘记跟我说白白了。”???都疯了 姜冉曾在数学卷子上写过“只要我的小电瓶还有电,就一定能追上他!” 高三的时候,江言予因为兜里经常揣大白兔奶糖而再次火遍整个高中。班主任还以为是他压力太大,本打算找他谈谈,没成想,那些糖是为了哄姜冉喝姜水才准备的。 都二零二零年了,相信你的他也在马不停蹄地奔向你!