
第122章 诱捕























Lit a lamp in the tent, there was only one I don't know what fur carpet and a low table, different meeting that the strong man to take me to come over to carry a tray to come in, the above is a dish of meat, and a jug of wine...

How the food is good like Mongolian next to the dish of meat with a small dish of salt, I tear out a piece of meat with salt in his mouth, tasted good, succulent fresh smell.

Supposedly so is to use a knife to cut the meat to eat, may be afraid of me with a knife crime, also didn't give me just call me so tableware tore the meat, he first to fill the stomach again say, also do not know to have a meal at the two black.

And I poured a glass of wine, smell was koumiss is Mongolian people?

This night singing stopped early, estimates that cattle penis and that ShanMei have a sleepless night, can't believe in such risks between Lin waters have pleasure actually also is really interesting.

I no matter the big fellow stared at. Gobble the a large piece of meat and a pot of kumiss of soup, two black will come and save me on tonight, he can through worm blister bridge that road?

The ruddy man took out the tray of mirth, turned out of his tent, and said something to me, but I don't understand.

At that moment the curtain of the tent was lifted, cattle penis body wrapped in thick white cloth into the tent, followed by the two big fellow.

I sat on a blanket looked up at him, he had better not have any excesses or provoke me, that can only end up, I can sleep because it's not my body, but he was gone.

Tent lamp is not bright, bull penis face dimmer, if no accident at the moment my brother and gold in army has scored ox tail ridge, you who is above law has been in dreams is soon to be inevitable defeat, I will be interesting to see how he lost his flesh also governing the armed forces.

Gold in there is not just to beat you andie, but to his flesh, continue to control his troops there, if all goes well we will increase on one hundred times spirit gas production quantity, will be no one can block up Xu Shao andie military strength with you.

Originally to my uncle was in a huge crisis, and may also be captured by side rival, and military and body became tools to other people, situation is very bad can only count on is to use both in local time, the back side to rescue above, in the end all the problems are derived from here, living in there, of course, not influence the main battlefield and the thought of power is not living.

Ox tail ridge must be taken down, but the east camp there is a way, if you, who was taken up that gold in there can jointly Xu Shao unify the world above.

You, who have no hope, if you help me to take the eastern military camp, at least I can keep you and your andie a live here, and you with me at least the two of us together can compete with gold in bottom go to, if the ground over there you, who lost his abandoned plus a Xu Shaojin in the strength of the ground no one can compete on the ground.

The long tail of fighting beast if you in my dreams of resin village breeding, coupled with the east camp and snake king we can won gold in, when the time comes to have a soul stone channel above military power we can back to back, at that time I was the only king, you are my queen in his tone not arrogant and ambitious, but he like say this homely, the cattle penis either dead or the living will be a big lean.

You a are not simple, you don't know where to get the aunt, have to be defensive ox tail ridge, if it weren't for our early in the morning in the ox tail ridge planted look line, this is everybody who is tu's village, but she was we intercept down, my brother came back early tomorrow morning, you and your aunt will meet again, if you willing to work together with me, then I must pack you a peace.

Change the ordinary woman he spoke there was provocative, beauty love heroes, the cattle penis not hero is also a lean, although he tu LiuJia Village kill Liu Guanjia, but compared to the safety of his family are questionable, and he preached the golden hand county is the black hand behind, gold hands county is one of the biggest enemy, even to uncle above immediately in the body, will be reincarnated, took the sword.

But I'm not going to believe his words, one is that I have not seen the owner of the gold in not sure he is an ally or an enemy, the second is if the cattle penis, why to my uncle and his family live in king county, at the very least, should be moved to LiuJia Village ox tail ridge, even their own turf, at least there is the east camp troops can be guaranteed.

Until today to my uncle's business is in the county seat, is Liu Guanjia call himself to LiuJia Village relief, against his attack, and I suddenly felt a little flaw, even if the bull penis said so linked together, but there are still have two unreasonable places.

Second, this bull penis means so brillant Liu Guanjia don't know how, with a green came to such a dangerous place, if not by scoring village green that very adverse to vigorously uncle there?

If not saw Liu Guanjia slain by cattle penis, now I really doubt this Liu Guanjia resin village eyeliner is dream, and for the first time attacked the village is not cattle penis, but his brother, why suddenly leads the cattle on the night of the old two break into the village, and with Jane feather eagle combat and so much equipment, is clearly determined, before the bull penis brother harassed LiuJia Village

This short period of time the second brother is to attack the ox tail ridge?

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