
第27章 PART VI(6)

Whether or not I have succeeded in this it is not for me to say;and I do not wish to forestall the judgments of others by speaking myself of my writings;but it will gratify me if they be examined,and,to afford the greater inducement to this I request all who may have any objections to make to them,to take the trouble of forwarding these to my publisher,who will give me notice of them,that I may endeavor to subjoin at the same time my reply;and in this way readers seeing both at once will more easily determine where the truth lies;for I do not engage in any case to make prolix replies,but only with perfect frankness to avow my errors if I am convinced of them,or if I cannot perceive them,simply to state what Ithink is required for defense of the matters I have written,adding thereto no explication of any new matte that it may not be necessary to pass without end from one thing to another.

If some of the matters of which I have spoken in the beginning of the "Dioptrics"and "Meteorics"should offend at first sight,because I call them hypotheses and seem indifferent about giving proof of them,I request a patient and attentive reading of the whole,from which I hope those hesitating will derive satisfaction;for it appears to me that the reasonings are so mutually connected in these treatises,that,as the last are demonstrated by the first which are their causes,the first are in their turn demonstrated by the last which are their effects.Nor must it be imagined that I here commit the fallacy which the logicians call a circle;for since experience renders the majority of these effects most certain,the causes from which I deduce them do not serve so much to establish their reality as to explain their existence;but on the contrary,the reality of the causes is established by the reality of the effects.Nor have I called them hypotheses with any other end in view except that it may be known that I think I am able to deduce them from those first truths which I have already expounded;and yet that I have expressly determined not to do so,to prevent a certain class of minds from thence taking occasion to build some extravagant philosophy upon what they may take to be my principles,and my being blamed for it.I refer to those who imagine that they can master in a day all that another has taken twenty years to think out,as soon as he has spoken two or three words to them on the subject;or who are the more liable to error and the less capable of perceiving truth in very proportion as they are more subtle and lively.As to the opinions which are truly and wholly mine,I offer no apology for them as new,--persuaded as I am that if their reasons be well considered they will be found to be so ****** and so conformed,to common sense as to appear less extraordinary and less paradoxical than any others which can be held on the same subjects;nor do I even boast of being the earliest discoverer of any of them,but only of having adopted them,neither because they had nor because they had not been held by others,but solely because reason has convinced me of their truth.

Though artisans may not be able at once to execute the invention which is explained in the "Dioptrics,"I do not think that any one on that account is entitled to condemn it;for since address and practice are required in order so to make and adjust the machines described by me as not to overlook the smallest particular,I should not be less astonished if they succeeded on the first attempt than if a person were in one day to become an accomplished performer on the guitar,by merely having excellent sheets of music set up before him.And if I write in French,which is the language of my country,in preference to Latin,which is that of my preceptors,it is because I expect that those who make use of their unprejudiced natural reason will be better judges of my opinions than those who give heed to the writings of the ancients only;and as for those who unite good sense with habits of study,whom alone I desire for judges,they will not,I feel assured,be so partial to Latin as to refuse to listen to my reasonings merely because I expound them in the vulgar tongue.

In conclusion,I am unwilling here to say anything very specific of the progress which I expect to make for the future in the sciences,or to bind myself to the public by any promise which I am not certain of being able to fulfill;but this only will I say,that I have resolved to devote what time I may still have to live to no other occupation than that of endeavoring to acquire some knowledge of Nature,which shall be of such a kind as to enable us therefrom to deduce rules in medicine of greater certainty than those at present in use;and that my inclination is so much opposed to all other pursuits,especially to such as cannot be useful to some without being hurtful to others,that if,by any circumstances,I had been constrained to engage in such,I do not believe that I should have been able to succeed.Of this I here make a public declaration,though well aware that it cannot serve to procure for me any consideration in the world,which,however,I do not in the least affect;and I shall always hold myself more obliged to those through whose favor I am permitted to enjoy my retirement without interruption than to any who might offer me the highest earthly preferments.


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    顾盼,读音为gùpàn。古语有云:巧笑倩兮,美目盼兮,一颦一笑,顾盼生姿。她的名字便是顾盼。这个名字,若是在一个爱笑的姑娘,配上笑容不知道多引人入胜。只是她的人生,能展颜的事情实在是不多。本以为,人生就要这样过下去了。在一个平凡的日子里,她却被送到了一个未知的地方。在这里,她拥有了不曾有过的疼惜。过往的一切苦痛,仿佛都远离了她,就在她想努力生活下去的时候。一个自称工号520的客服,说她只是被绑定了一个甜文系统,让她完成一个任务。这明明是她的人生,什么时候变成了一个任务?原来偷来的东西,不管你在手心里捂了多久,都不是你的。在这样艰难的抉择的时候,我们要怎么办呢?就在她因为偷了别人的人生煎熬之际,才知道那一罐她惦记了很久的糖,本就是给她的。她之所以会来到这里,和所谓的系统没有一点关系她为爱而来。那她因为这坑爹的系统招惹的人怎么办?知止自能除妄想《传家宝》石成金我很喜欢这句话,顾盼是贪恋这人世温暖的,可是因为良心它是一个三角,滚动起来的时候善良的人都会被这尖角划伤所以,善良的她想要结束这一切所以最后才能得到幸福吧文案无能患者,总之我是打算写一本甜文。(* ̄︶ ̄)
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