

It was about this time (1847) that Gogol published his Correspondence with Friends, and aroused a literary controversy that is alive to this day. Tolstoi is to be found among his apologists.

Opinions as to the actual significance of Gogol's masterpiece differ.

Some consider the author a realist who has drawn with meticulous detail a picture of Russia; others, Merejkovsky among them, see in him a great symbolist; the very title Dead Souls is taken to describe the living of Russia as well as its dead. Chichikov himself is now generally regarded as a universal character. We find an American professor, William Lyon Phelps[1], of Yale, holding the opinion that "no one can travel far in America without meeting scores of Chichikovs; indeed, he is an accurate portrait of the American promoter, of the successful commercial traveller whose success depends entirely not on the real value and usefulness of his stock-in-trade, but on his knowledge of human nature and of the persuasive power of his tongue." This is also the opinion held by Prince Kropotkin[2], who says: "Chichikov may buy dead souls, or railway shares, or he may collect funds for some charitable institution, or look for a position in a bank, but he is an immortal international type; we meet him everywhere; he is of all lands and of all times; he but takes different forms to suit the requirements of nationality and time."[1] Essays on Russian Novelists. Macmillan.

[2] Ideals and Realities in Russian Literature. Duckworth and Co.

Again, the work bears an interesting relation to Gogol himself. Aromantic, writing of realities, he was appalled at the commonplaces of life, at finding no outlet for his love of colour derived from his Cossack ancestry. He realised that he had drawn a host of "heroes,""one more commonplace than another, that there was not a single palliating circumstance, that there was not a single place where the reader might find pause to rest and to console himself, and that when he had finished the book it was as though he had walked out of an oppressive cellar into the open air." He felt perhaps inward need to redeem Chichikov; in Merejkovsky's opinion he really wanted to save his own soul, but had succeeded only in losing it. His last years were spent morbidly; he suffered torments and ran from place to place like one hunted; but really always running from himself. Rome was his favourite refuge, and he returned to it again and again. In 1848, he made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, but he could find no peace for his soul. Something of this mood had reflected itself even much earlier in the Memoirs of a Madman: "Oh, little mother, save your poor son!

  • 古雁


  • 命启英灵


  • 一世独宠:冷帝快快跑


  • 这世界其实很温暖


  • 我们的错觉


  • 一朝穿越:废材逆天别惹我


  • 梅香思人不忘海


    本书又名《我的帅气老公有点痞》,高甜书籍强力来袭。 一场利欲熏心的事件让两个家庭破碎,背后的原因层层叠叠。年少时的我们那么率真的面对着一切,原本失去的我们还找能回来吗?四年的时间能把一个人变成什么样子? 梅香思人不忘海,梅花盛开他来赴约了……他本该宠她爱她却对她强取豪夺………… 本是青梅竹马两小无猜,如今却是欢喜冤家互相开启甜撩模式………… 一切事情揭发的时候,他们又会如何? 这个书名是根据男女主角的名字所著,后续女主梅儿会失忆,忘记他的最爱的海,可是无限的思念无期,他并没有彻底忘了他,所以这个书名因此而来。 友情提示:这是现在言情小说不是古代。
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  • 今晚不寂寞:与尸同眠

