

"Oh, what a wonderful place!Why, Jim, you're a magician!"There could be no doubt about the practical use to which the shop wasbeing put.Its one small window opened on a fire escape in the narrow court in the rear.A skylight in the middle opened with a hinge on the roof and flooded the space with perfect light.An iron ladder swung from the skylight and was hooked up against the ceiling by a hasp fastened to a staple over a work-bench.On one side of the room was a tiny blacksmith's forge, an anvil, hammers and a complete set of tools for working in rough iron.A small gasoline engine supplied the power which turned his lathe and worked the drills, saw and plane.On the other side of the room was arranged a fairly complete chemical laboratory with several retorts, and an oxyhydrogen blow-pipe capable of developing the powerful heat used in the melting and brazing of metals.Beneath the benches were piled automobile supplies of every kind.

"You know how to use all these machines, Jim?" she asked in wonder."Sure, and then some!" he answered with a wave of his slender hand."You're a wizard----""Now the den?" he said briskly.

She followed him through the hall and into the large front corner room overlooking Avenue B and Eighteenth Street.The morning sun flooded the front and the afternoon sun poured into the side windows.The furniture was solid mahogany--a bed, bureau, chiffonier, couch and three chairs.The windows were fitted with wood-paneled shutters, shades and heavy draperies.A thick, soft carpet of faded red covered the floor.

"It's a nice room, Jim, but I'd like to dust it for you," she said with a smile.

"Sure.I'm for giving you the right to dust it every morning, Kiddo, beginning now.Let's find a preacher tonight!"She blushed and moved a step toward the door.

"Just a little while.You know it's been only ten days since we met----"

"But we've lived some in that time, haven't we?" "An eternity, I think," she said reverently.

"I want to marry right now, girlie!" he pleaded desperately."If thatspider gets you in her den again, I just feel like it's good night for me.""Nonsense.You can't believe me such a silly child.I'm a woman.I love you.Do you think the foolish prejudice of a friend could destroy my love for the man whom I have chosen for my mate?""No, but I want it fixed and then it's fixed--and they can say what they please.Marry me tonight! You've got the ring.You're going to in a little while, anyhow.What's the use to wait and lose these days out of our life? What's the sense of it? Don't you know me by this time? Don't you trust me by this time?"She slipped her hand gently into his.

"I trust you utterly.And I feel that I've known you since the day I was born----""Then why--why wait a minute?"

"You can't understand a girl's feelings, dear--only a little while and it's all right."He sat down on the couch in silence, rose and walked to the window.She watched him struggling with deep emotion.

He turned suddenly.

"Look here, Kiddo, I've got to leave on that trip to the mountains of North Carolina.I've got to get down there before Christmas.I must be back here by the first of the year.Gee--I can't go without you! You don't want to stay here without me, do you?"A sudden pallor overspread her face.For the first time she realized how their lives had become one in the sweet intimacy of the past ten days.

"You must go now?" she gasped.

"Yes.I've made my arrangements.I've business back here the first of the year that can't wait.Marry me and go with me.We'll take our honeymoon down there.By George, we'll go together in the car! Every day by each other's side over hundreds and hundreds of miles! Say, ain't you game? Come on! It's a crime to send me away without you.How can you do it?""I can't--I'm afraid," she faltered."You'll marry me, then?""Yes!" she whispered."What is the latest day you can start?""Next Saturday, if we go in the car----"

"All right,"--she was looking straight into the depths of his soul now-- "next Saturday."He clasped her in his arms and held her with desperate tenderness.

  • 前后七国志


  • 起世因本经


  • Russia in 1919

    Russia in 1919

  • 菩提行经


  • Flame and Shadow

    Flame and Shadow

  • 聚妖魔道


  • 恶魔领主的誓约


  • 从水浒开始的好汉之旅


  • 韶容


  • 斗罗之魔镜斗罗


  • 幻象


  • 为你而灭道


  • 穿越之就要你负责


  • 商痛


  • 宝贝儿,你是我的

