


The consummation of her life's dream was too near, too sweet and wonderful for Jane's croakings to distress Mary Adams beyond the moment.She had, of course, wished her friend to be present at the wedding--yet the curt refusal had only aroused anew her pity at stupid prejudices.It was out of the question to ask her father to leave his work in the Kentucky mountains and come all the way to New York.She would surprise him with the announcement.After all, she was the one human being vitally concerned in this affair, and the only one save the man whose life would be joined to hers.

In five minutes after the painful scene with Jane she had completely regained her composure, and her face was radiant with happiness when she waved to Jim.He was standing before the door in the car, waiting to take her to the City Hall to get the marriage license.

"Gee!" he cried, "you're the prettiest, sweetest thing that ever walked this earth, with those cheeks all flaming like a rose! Are you happy?""Gloriously."

She motioned him to keep his seat and sprang lightly to his side."Aren't you happy, sir?" she added gayly.

"I am, yes--but to tell you the truth, I'm beginning to get scared.You know what to do, don't you, when we get before that preacher?""Of course, silly----"

"I never saw a wedding in my life." She pressed his hand tenderly."Honestly, Jim?""I swear it.You'll have to tell me how to behave.""We'll rehearse it all tonight.I'll show you.I've seen hundreds of people married.My father's a preacher, you know.""Yes, I know that," he went on solemnly; "that's what gives me courage.I knew you'd understand everything.I'm counting on you,Kiddo--if you fall down, we're gone.I'll run like a turkey." "It's easy," she laughed.

"And this license business--how do we go about that?What'll they do to us?""Nothing, goose!We just march up to the clerk and demand the license.He asks us a lot of questions----""Questions!What sort of questions?"

"The names of your father and mother--whether you've been married before and where you live and how old you are----""Ask you about your business?" he interrupted, sharply.

"No.They think if you can pay the license fee you can support your wife, I suppose.""How much is it?"

"I don't know, here.It used to be two dollars in Kentucky.""That's cheap--must come higher in this burg.I brought along a hundred.""Nonsense."

"There's a lot of graft in this town.I'll be ready.I've got to get 'em-- don't care how high they come.""There'll be no graft in this, Jim," she protested gayly.

"Well, it'll be the first time I ever got by without it--believe me!"The ease with which the license was obtained was more than Jim could understand.All the way back from the City Hall he expected to be held up at every corner.He kept looking over his shoulder to see if they were being followed.

Arrived in her room, they discussed their plans for the day of days."I'll come round soon in the morning, and we'll spend the whole day atthe Beach," he suggested.

She lifted her hands in protest."No--no!""No?"

"Not on our wedding-day, Jim!" "Why?"

"It's not good form.The groom should not see the bride that day until they meet at the altar.""Let's change it!"

"No, sir, the old way's the best.I'll spend the day in saying good-by to the past.You'll call for me at six o'clock.We'll go to Dr.Craddock's house and be married in time for our wedding dinner."The lover smiled, and his drooping eyelids fell still lower as he watched her intently.

"I want that dinner here in this little place, Kiddo----" She blushed and protested.

"I thought we'd go to the Beach and spend the night there.""Here, girlie, here! I love this little place-- it's so like you.Get the old wild-cat who cleans up for you to fix us a dinner here all by ourselves-- wouldn't she?"

"She'd do anything for me--yes."

"Then fix it here--I want to be just with you-- don't you understand?" "Yes," she whispered."But I'd rather spend that first day of our newlife in a strange place--and the Beach we both love--hadn't you just as leave go there, Jim?""No.The waiters will stare at us, and hear us talk----" "We can have our meals served in our room.

"This is better," he insisted."I want to spend one day here alone with you, before we go--just to feel that you're all mine.You see, if I walk in here and own the place, I'll know that better than any other way.I've just set my heart on it, Kiddo--what's the difference?"She lifted her lips to his.

"All right, dear.It shall be as you wish.Tomorrow I will be all yours--in life, in death, in eternity.Your happiness will be the one thing for which I shall plan and work."Ella was very happy in the honor conferred on her.She was given entire charge of the place, and spent the day in feverish preparation for the dinner.She insisted on borrowing a larger table from the little fat woman next door, to hold the extra dishes.She dressed herself in her best.Herraven black hair was pressed smooth and shining down the sides of her pale temples.

The work was completed by three o'clock in the afternoon, and Mary lay in her window lazily watching the crowds scurrying home.The offices closed early on Saturday afternoons.

Ella was puttering about the room, adding little touches here and there in a pretense of still being busy.As a matter of fact, she was watching the girl from her one eye with a wistful tenderness she had not dared as yet to express in words.Twice Mary had turned suddenly and seen her thus.Each time Ella had started as if caught in some act of mischief and asked an irrelevant question to relieve her embarrassment.

  • 修文


  • 金刚錍科


  • 西河记


  • 妇人子嗣门


  • 金锁玉关


  • 香水味信息素


  • 神帝武尊


  • 倾世绝恋:殿下求放过


  • 夏威夷皇帝


  • 命运侵夺


  • 诡盗人


  • 无品村官


  • 情毒难隐


  • 契约者不会做梦


  • 天行

