

Frequently I have concealed myself in the foliage of a giant yew-tree, which spread out its monstrous shoots and drooping branches to within a few yards of the cottage, and have seen Edmee sitting at the door with a book in her hand while Patience was listening with his arms folded and his head sunk on his breast, as though he were overwhelmed by the effort of attention. At that time I imagined that Edmee was trying to teach him to read, and thought her mad to persist in attempting an impossible education. But how beautiful she seemed in the light of the setting sun, beneath the yellowing vine leaves that overhung the cottage door! I used to gaze on her and tell myself that she belonged to me, and vow never to yield to any force or persuasion which should endeavour to make me renounce my claim.

For some days my agony of mind had been intense. My only method of escaping from it had been to drink heavily at supper, so that I might be almost stupefied at the hour, for me so painful and so galling, when she would leave the drawing-room after kissing her father, giving her hand to M. de la Marche, and saying as she passed by me, "Good-night, Bernard," in a tone which seemed to say, "To-day has ended like yesterday, and to-morrow will end like to-day."In vain would I go and sit in the arm-chair nearest her door, so that she could not pass without at least her dress brushing against me;this was all I ever got from her. I would not put out my hand to beg her own, for she might have given it with an air of unconcern, and Iverily believe I should have crushed it in my anger.

Thanks to my large libations at supper, I generally succeeded in besotting myself, silently and sadly. I then used to sink into my favourite arm-chair and remain there, sullen and drowsy, until the fumes of the wine had passed away, and I could go and air my wild dreams and sinister plans in the park.

None seemed to notice this gross habit of mine. They showed me such kindness and indulgence in the family that they seemed afraid to express disapproval, however much I deserved it. Nevertheless, they were well aware of my shameful passion for wine, and the abbe informed Edmee of it. One evening at supper she looked at me fixedly several times and with a strange expression. I stared at her in return, hoping that she would say something to provoke me, but we got no further than an exchange of malevolent glances. On leaving the table she whispered to me very quickly, and in an imperious tone:

"Break yourself of this drinking, and pay attention to what the abbe has to say to you."This order and tone of authority, so far from filling me with hope, seemed to me so revolting that all my timidity vanished in a moment. Iwaited for the hour when she usually went up to her room and, going out a little before her, took up my position on the stairs.

"Do you think," I said to her when she appeared, "that I am the dupe of your lies, and that I have not seen perfectly, during the month Ihave been here, without your speaking a word to me, that you are merely fooling me, as if I were a booby? You lied to me and now you despise me because I was honest enough to believe your word.""Bernard," she said, in a cold tone, "this is neither the time nor the place for an explanation.""Oh, I know well enough," I replied, "that, according to you, it will never be the time or the place. But I shall manage to find both, do not fear. You said that you loved me. You threw your arms about my neck and said, as you kissed me--yes, here, I can still feel your lips on my cheeks: 'Save me, and I swear on the gospel, on my honour, by the memory of my mother and your own, that I will be yours.' I can see through it; you said that because you were afraid that I should use my strength, and now you avoid me because you are afraid I shall claim my right. But you will gain nothing by it. I swear that you shall not trifle with me long.""I will never be yours," she replied, with a coldness which was becoming more and more icy, "if you do not make some change in your language, and manners, and feelings. In your present state I certainly do not fear you. When you appeared to me good and generous, I might have yielded to you, half from fear and half from affection. But from the moment I cease to care for you, I also cease to be afraid of you.

Improve your manners, improve your mind, and we will see.""Very good," I said, "that is a promise I can understand. I will act on it, and if I cannot be happy, I will have my revenge.""Take your revenge as much as you please," she said. "That will only make me despise you."So saying, she drew from her bosom a piece of paper, and burnt it in the flame of her candle.

"What are you doing?" I exclaimed.

"I am burning a letter I had written to you," she answered. "I wanted to make you listen to reason, but it is quite useless; one cannot reason with brutes.""Give me that letter at once," I cried, rushing at her to seize the burning paper.

But she withdrew it quickly and, fearlessly extinguishing it in her hand, threw the candle at my feet and fled in the darkness. I ran after her, but in vain. She was in her room before I could get there, and had slammed the door and drawn the bolts. I could hear the voice of Mademoiselle Leblanc asking her young mistress the cause of her fright.

  • 夏日青龙寺寻僧二首


  • 盛世危言


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  • 佛说方等般泥洹经


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  • 偏执男主的团宠大佬


    【虐渣双强爽文,甜宠1V1,存稿多多】陆家容爷,凶残冷漠,人人惧怕,然而某天人们却发现,他竟然温柔地半跪在地,帮一个小姑娘系鞋带!小姑娘清秀可人,沉迷学习无法自拔,懒得多看他--眼,而那位素来偏执凶残的陆爷,却在低声下气哄人:“书有什么好看的,看我好不好。”京城地位最尊贵的小公主闻晚意外身亡,醒来后,变成了同名同姓的小可怜。某白莲:闻晚是从小山村出来的!某绿莲:她父亲死的早,母亲改嫁了!众人奔走相告:闻晚没爹疼娘不爱,很好欺负的!闻晚:[?_??]闻晚的爸爸们:(╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○看着撸袖子准备摩拳擦掌的爸爸们,容爷浅浅微笑:“小公主和岳父大人稍安勿躁,我已经处理完了。众人:(@[]@!!)说好没爹疼娘不爱好欺负的呢???——————我们都是循着黑暗的路找到了光明,而你就是我的光明。———容爷情话录
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  • 游梦之江湖


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