
第28章 (二十三)Can说会为我一直存在

2018年02月24日 05:17 (星期六)

If I talk about my brother, I will start crying. I don't want to cry right now. He is our everything. It's like having a baby brother who never grows up. He needs us. In recent days his health is getting worse. He started to use a new pill which changes the balance of chemicals in his brain. He is like a ghost now. He had a crisis like a stroke a few days ago. I thought it was over. It was so hard to see him like that. I just pray. There is nothing to do. We all have a good or bad story. You didn't ignore anything. You didn't know that. You can't ignore something you don't know. I have two sisters and they are married. I almost don't talk with my oldest sister. She made some wrong choices. I see the other one every two weeks. I have a good relationship with her. but I feel like all I have are my parents and my brother.

I don't want to disappoint you but I'm not someone who forgives people easily. Sometimes I don't. I can't be good with everyone even if I wanted to. Honestly I don't forget anything. You can talk to me about anything you want. I'll always want and listen to you. I don't think anyone can hate you. I love your honesty. You know what, I don't care about what other people think. I never let people to tell me what to do and what I can't. You're the perfect one. If they say something negative about you, it's because they are just jealous. I would tell you not to let people take advantage of you. They don't deserve your attention. I see you in your words.

I'm really sorry for that I'm the reason you slept really late. You shouldn't be fighting with sleep. I appreciate it but next time please go to bed. I can always wait. I wouldn't want you to feel more tired because of me. Writing comforts me.“ A person's words can reflect a person's self-control, can reflect a person's morality, and even predict a person's future.“ I once heard a quote similar to this.“You can never change someone, but you can be the reason someone to change.“ I agree with you. I'll ask my questions with time. I want you say anything you want. Like I said before I'll always want to listen. You can ask me anything you want.

I can't thank you enough but thank you. I think that good music affect everybody. If someone tells no, they are just lying haha. What? Did you just say that you will fall in love with a person because of a music as long as he sings it to you by himself? I never sing and my voice is like croaky like caw. I'm really surprised by the fact that you haven't been to cinema yet. You want something nice. People don't think as deep as you do. It's something I like about you. I'm really happy that the movie touched your heart.

I'm here for you and I will always be here no matter what. So, how can you say that world is not willing to accept you the way you are? If the world is not willing to accept you the way you are, so what? That world which is not accepting the way you are, will never deserve your presence. You should live the way you like, you shouldn't change yourself for the sake of others. If some people don't like the way you are, it's not your problem. It is their's! You should never attempt to bring about any change in yourself so as to please the world. You're unique! How can you be so kind? I know it's cruel and not fair but sometimes you have to make the sacrifice. If you're going to read the book, I won't tell you the answer. You will find your own answers. so it will be more valuable.

Good night, sweet dreams. I'm really sorry for keeping you so late.



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