

He was not executed after all; for the chaplain, who was connected with a great family, stood his friend, and got his sentence commuted, as they call it, to transportation; and in order to make the matter easy, he induced my father to make some valuable disclosures with respect to the smashers'

system.I confess that I would have been hanged before Iwould have done so, after having reaped the profit of it;that is, I think so now, seated comfortably in my inn, with my bottle of champagne before me.He, however, did not show himself carrion; he would not betray his companions, who had behaved very handsomely to him, having given the son of a lord, a great barrister, not a hundred-pound forged bill, but a hundred hard guineas, to plead his cause, and another ten, to induce him, after pleading, to put his hand to his breast, and say, that, upon his honour, he believed the prisoner at the bar to be an honest and injured man.No; I am glad to be able to say, that my father did not show himself exactly carrion, though I could almost have wished he had let himself - However, I am here with my bottle of champagne and the Romany Rye, and he was in his cell, with bread and water and the prison chaplain.He took an affectionate leave of me before he was sent away, giving me three out of five guineas, all the money he had left.He was a kind man, but not exactly fitted to fill my grandfather's shoes.I afterwards learned that he died of fever, as he was being carried across the sea.

"During the 'sizes I had made acquaintance with old Fulcher.

I was in the town on my father's account, and he was there on his son's, who, having committed a small larceny, was in trouble.Young Fulcher, however, unlike my father, got off, though he did not give the son of a lord a hundred guineas to speak for him, and ten more to pledge his sacred honour for his honesty, but gave Counsellor P- one-and-twenty shillings to defend him, who so frightened the principal evidence, a plain honest farming-man, that he flatly contradicted what he had first said, and at last acknowledged himself to be all the rogues in the world, and, amongst other things, a perjured villain.Old Fulcher, before he left the town with his son, - and here it will be well to say that he and his son left it in a kind of triumph, the base drummer of a militia regiment, to whom they had given half-a-crown, beating his drum before them - old Fulcher, I say, asked me to go and visit him, telling me where, at such a time, Imight find him and his caravan and family; offering, if Ithought fit, to teach me basket-******: so, after my father had been sent off, I went and found up old Fulcher, and became his apprentice in the basket-****** line.I stayed with him till the time of his death, which happened in about three months, travelling about with him and his family, and living in green lanes, where we saw gypsies and trampers, and all kinds of strange characters.Old Fulcher, besides being an industrious basket-maker, was an out-and-out thief, as was also his son, and, indeed, every member of his family.They used to make baskets during the day, and thieve during a great part of the night.I had not been with them twelve hours before old Fulcher told me that I must thieve as well as the rest.I demurred at first, for I remembered the fate of my father, and what he had told me about leaving off bad courses, but soon allowed myself to be over-persuaded; more especially as the first robbery I was asked to do was a fruit robbery.I was to go with young Fulcher, and steal some fine Morell cherries, which grew against a wall in a gentleman's garden; so young Fulcher and I went and stole the cherries, one half of which we ate, and gave the rest to the old man, who sold them to a fruiterer ten miles off from the place where we had stolen them.The next night old Fulcher took me out with himself.He was a great thief, though in a small way.He used to say, that they were fools, who did not always manage to keep the rope below their shoulders, by which he meant, that it was not advisable to commit a robbery, or do anything which could bring you to the gallows.

He was all for petty larceny, and knew where to put his hand upon any little thing in England, which it was possible to steal.I submit it to the better judgment of the Romany Rye, who I see is a great hand for words and names, whether he ought not to have been called old Filcher, instead of Fulcher.I shan't give a regular account of the larcenies he committed during the short time I knew him, either alone by himself, or with me and his son.I shall merely relate the last.

"A melancholy gentleman, who lived a very solitary life, had a large carp in a shady pond in a meadow close to his house;he was exceedingly fond of it, and used to feed it with his own hand, the creature being so tame that it would put its snout out of the water to be fed when it was whistled to;feeding and looking at his carp were the only pleasures the poor melancholy gentleman possessed.Old Fulcher - being in the neighbourhood, and having an order from a fishmonger for a large fish, which was wanted at a great city dinner, at which His Majesty was to be present - swore he would steal the carp, and asked me to go with him.I had heard of the gentleman's fondness for his creature, and begged him to let it be, advising him to go and steal some other fish; but old Fulcher swore, and said he would have the carp, although its master should hang himself; I told him he might go by himself, but he took his son and stole the carp, which weighed seventeen pounds.Old Fulcher got thirty shillings for the carp, which I afterwards heard was much admired and relished by His Majesty.The master, however, of the carp, on losing his favourite, became more melancholy than ever, and in a little time hanged himself.'What's sport for one, is death to another,' I once heard at the village-school read out of a copy-book.

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    全国高考状元回档成超级学渣,这是什么样的体验?林嘉觉得没什么大不了的,不过就是重头再来。可那个随身系统是怎么回事,不好好学习就扣生命值?好吧,这也难不倒林嘉,顶着学渣的帽子创下各种奇迹。林嘉的目标:做最厉害的学霸,让别人无话可说。这是一个学霸带着系统玩转新人生的苏爽故事。 **** 书友群:881344080
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