

"How heavy this portrait is! I can carry it no longer; take it out of my hands, it burns them.In mercy, extinguish this fire.Ihave a brand in my breast.It must be kept covered with ashes;when I can see it no more, I shall suffer less.It is my eyes that make me suffer; if I were blind, I could return to Moscow."Then in a harsher voice:

"I could easily destroy this likeness, but THE OTHER, I cannot kill it, curses on me! it is the better portrait of the two.There is her hair, her mouth, her smile.Ah, thank God, I have killed the smile.The smile is no longer there.I have buried the smile.

But there is the mole in the corner of the mouth.I have kissed it a thousand times; take away that mole, it hurts me.If that mole were gone I should suffer less.Merciful Heaven! it is always there.But I have buried the smile.The smile is no more.I have buried it deep in a leaden coffin.It can't come...."Then suddenly changing his accent, and in a tragical, but bitter voice, his eyes fixed upon the large rusty sword which he held in his right hand, he muttered:

"The spot will not go away.The iron will not drink it.It was not for this blood it thirsted.I shall find it in the other, it will drink that.Ah! we shall see how it will drink it."Upon this, he relapsed into silence and appeared to be thinking deeply.Then raising his head, he cried in a voice so strong and vibrating that the iron door trembled upon its hinges:

"Morlof, then it was not thou! Ah! my dear friend, I was deceived....Go, do not regret life.It is only the dream of a screech-owl....Believe me, friend, I want to die, but I cannot.I must know...I must discover.Ah! Morlof, Morlof, leave thy hands in mine, or I shall think thou hast not forgiven me....God! how cold these hands are...cold...cold..."And at these words he shuddered; his head moved convulsively upon his shoulders, and his teeth chattered; but soon calming himself, he murmured:

"I want to know the name, I must know that name! Is there no one who can tell me that name?"Thus speaking, he raised the picture to a level with his face, and with bent head and extended neck, appeared to be trying to decipher upon the canvas some microscopic writing or obscure hieroglyphics.

"The name is there!" said he."It is written somewhere about the heart,--at the bottom of the heart; but I cannot read it, the writing is so fine, it is a female hand; I do not know how to read a woman's writing.They have a cipher of which Satan alone has the key.My sight is failing me.I have flies in my head.There is always one of them that hides this name from me.Oh! in mercy, in pity, take away the fly and bring me a pair of pincers....With good pincers I will seek that name even in the last fibers of this heart which beats no more."He added with a terrible air:

The dead do not open their teeth.The one who lives will speak.

You shall see how I will make him speak.You shall see how I will make him speak....Tear off his black robe, stretch him on this plank.The iron boots! the iron boots! tighten the boots!"Then interrupting himself abruptly, he raised his eyes and fixed them upon the door.An expression of fury mingled with terror swept over his face, as if he had suddenly perceived some hideous and alarming object.His features became distorted; his mouth worked convulsively and frothed; his eyes, unnaturally dilated, darted flames; he uttered a hollow moan, took a few steps backward, and suddenly dropping his torch to the ground, where it went out he cried in a frightful voice:

"There are eyes behind the door! there are eyes! there are eyes!"Horror-struck, distracted, beside himself, Gilbert turned and took to flight.In spite of the darkness, he found his way as if by miracle.He crossed the corridor at a run, mounted the staircase in three bounds, dashed into his chamber and bolted the door.Then he hurriedly lighted a candle, and having glanced about to assure himself that the phantom had not followed him into his room, dropped heavily upon a chair, stunned and breathless.In a few moments he had collected his thoughts, and was ashamed of his terror; but in spite of himself his agitation was such that at every noise which struck his ear, he thought he heard the step of Count Kostia ascending the staircase of his turret.It was not until he had bathed his burning head in cold water that he recovered something like tranquillity; and determining by a supreme effort to banish the frightful images which haunted him, he seated himself at his worktable and resolutely opened one of the Byzantine folios.As he began to read, his eye fell upon an unsealed letter which had been left on his table during his absence; it ran thus:

  • 禅门诸祖师偈颂


  • 河东记


  • 麻疹阐注


  • A Charmed Life

    A Charmed Life

  • Herland


  • 如果有缘的话我想当你的老婆


  • 刃与心灵


  • 狗样年华


  • 我的女友有点丑


    凌云同学,段小茹同学已经出发了,你怎么还不走,难道你不想证明男女平等了?”凌云摇摇头,深沉的说道:“沫沫,你这个命题没办法证明,因为他一开始就是错的,是个伪命题。”“哦?你是说男女不平等了?”凌云认真的点点头,顺便比了比两人的个头,戏谑的说道:“雨沫同学,想要男女平等,恐怕你要站到凳子上。” (小云来袭,每晚0点准时更新。)
  • 絜斋集


  • 重游人生


  • 明末畅想


  • 舍得:人生的必修课


  • 遇到她时天很蓝


    从懵懂到年少,从校服到婚纱,时光荏苒,一路有他。冷漠独立的少年,霸道腹黑,从不与人亲近,可是有一天,他却被萌妹缠上,扬言要和他回家,从此他的生活,发生了天翻地覆的变化。【本文1v1高甜养成文。】【四岁,她摔了一跤邂逅一位帅哥哥,他冷漠孤傲,她呆萌粘人。】“大哥哥,你的床好软。”“别吵。”“大哥哥,我要你和我玩。”“大哥哥,你是不是不喜欢我?”【十三岁,她三级跳归来,成为校草学长的心尖宠,一滴眼泪,换来深情告白。】“丫头,你不需要多么的优秀。”“我只希望你不要那么败家。”“败家?那我以后少吃一点。”“笨丫头,你的眼泪比钻石还要珍贵,掉在地上我捡不起来,你这样是有多败家。”【二十岁大学毕业,他是高高在上的霸道总裁,她只是小小的娱乐记者,他却把她宠上天。】“以后不要出去跑采访。”“那我的任务怎么办?”“你可以采访我,顺便公开下我们的婚期。”“可是……”“没有可是,以后你只可以采访我。” 【新文,豪门宠婚之总裁娇妻升职记】
  • 天行

